Importing footage in Premiere Pro wrong time


I’m adding a placeholder in the Prism pack but the displayed moment of the video is incorrect. How do I adjust timing?

Hello, there,

1. Select items
With the left mouse button pressed, select objects on the timeline. It could be anything, videos, photos, text, and any elements together.

2. Create a new Nested Sequence or Subsequence
Then right-click and select Nest. This will create a new Nested Sequence, and all objects will be moved to this new sequence.

3.Import a preset from the plugin
Import the preset from the plugin, and the new Nested Sequence can be removed from this timeline.

4.Drag and drop a Nested Sequence into the Media Placeholder
Now all that’s left is to drag and drop Nested Sequence from the Project pane to the Media Placeholder in the Essential Graphics panel.

Done, the preset is now applied to the text and the shape.

We have a short video tutorial on this subject: How to add different objects to the Media Placeholder in Adobe Premier Pro 2021+. - YouTube

You can also read more detailed text instructions here: Outline

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