Errors popping up in After Effects 2024


I am receiving the following errors in After Effects 2024 upon activating the Neon Mind AI Panel window. Can you please kindly recommend a fix for this issue- thank you

TypeError: Bad argument list
Couln’t find layer SD_control
Couldn’t find layer ControlNet


Please clarify if you have sent us a report with this error earlier? If not, please send it as soon as the error appears. Click Account → Report a problem. Here is the instruction Outline

Hello M. Bessmertny,

Thank you for reaching out. Yes, I sent a video record earlier and my reference number is:
APVR-24962. Thank you, Andrew

Hello, thank you for sending the report.

We have received feedback from the developer.

The error message suggests that you haven’t generated “control nulls.”

Please follow the instructions provided in the following link, where the sequence is described. It’s important to note that control nulls are created with specific parameters.


Please let us know about the results