AEJuice Pack Manager Connection Issue


There seems to be a problem about the AEJuice Pack Manager’s connectivity to servers even though the connection-test-tool seems to be ok at every check. I can not download either the packs or Neomind AI models. Please help me with this issue.



Could you provide us with more detail, please? Please, send a report from the plugin. Click Account → Report a problem. Here is the instruction on how to do it: Outline

It will help us to recognize the issue. Please, let us know when you send it :slight_smile:

Also, please ensure that you’re logged in to the plugin before sending a report, and check you have the latest version installed:

Press Account - Check for Updates in Pack Manager

Or look at the bell icon

We had a short downtime about a week ago. Can you confirm that you’re able to download it now?

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